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May 15, 2015


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Tina  H. Boogren

Thank you, Ali! Yes, indeed, lots of crap and lots of beauty, too.

Tina  H. Boogren

Oh my goodness, Angie, United was in the wrong there, without a doubt! I so wish more people had spoken up to help support/defend that family. My heart hurt for all of them.

Angie Wilkinson

Thank you for sharing!!! It was a marvelous read!!! It's funny timing because Terese wanted me to ask you what you thought of the autistic girl causing an emergency landing. After reading this, I imagine you (and others) would have rather continued on their flight plan. I was just wondering, we certainly would not fly with Patrick unless absolutely necessary and then have lots of melatonin on hand! 😉


Love that you acknowledge the crap and the beauty!

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